10 Unlikely (But Wonderful) Relationships That Spawned In Movies

2. Chuck Noland & Wilson (Cast Away)

Wilson Chuck Cast Away is all about the story of Chuck Noland €“ a time-obsessed systems analyst, who travels the world resolving productivity problems at FedEx depots. One Christmas, he is summoned to resolve a problem in Malaysia. Whilst he is flying through a violent storm, his aeroplane crashes into the Pacific Ocean. Chuck is able to escape the sinking plane and is saved by holding on to an inflatable life-raft but, in the process, the raft's emergency locator transmitter goes missing. He clings to the life-raft, loses consciousness, and floats seemingly aimlessly all night before being washed up on an uninhabited and very remote island. He is soon followed by a corpse and a series of FedEx packages that have been washed up from the wreckage. After unsuccessfully attempting to escape the island, he finds a volleyball in one of the packages and smears a face on it using his blood after he cuts his hand. He names the Volleyball, calling it "Wilson" after the brand of the ball, and begins talking to it (having full conversations and arguments with it). Wilson is essentially the reason that Chuck doesn't go completely insane on the island (though he still loses his mind a little, understandably - he is talking to a ball after all) and, despite the fact that the audience knows it is just a ball, they come to endear Wilson and it is heartbreaking when he is washed away in one of Chuck's escape attempts €“ leaving him both devastated and lonely.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.