10 Unlikely Movie Team-Ups You Completely Forgot Happened

6. I Love You Phillip Morris - Ewan McGregor/Jim Carrey

bad company
Roadside Attractions

Given its high concept, real life origins, and delightfully unexpected casting, it’s surprising that I Love You Phillip Morris isn’t better remembered. A biopic (of sorts) of a career conman who falls in love with his fellow inmate, starring Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor - what’s not to like?

Carrey’s abilities as a serious actor remain up for debate, but his unerring sincerity sells the role brilliantly here. He is a wounded man, living with secrets and unable to express his true self, his real desires.

McGregor’s more naturalistic performance keeps the film grounded, but it’s the chemistry between the two of them that makes I Love You Phillip Morris worth watching. Few could have pegged these two actors as an obvious couple, but they play the relationship entirely seriously, even with the film itself often leaning towards comedy.

The notion of a performance being “brave” is thrown around a lot, but it’s fair to say Carrey and McGregor, both major stars, took a risk with this risque love story. That it has basically faded from popular cultural memory is a real shame.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)