10 Unlikely Movie Team-Ups You Completely Forgot Happened

7. Tiptoes - Gary Oldman/Matthew McConaughey

bad company

Nowadays, a collaboration between Gary Oldman and Matthew McConaughey would raise few eyebrows. The two are Oscar winning acting heavyweights, after all. Back in 2003, though, McConaughey was at his shirtless, romcom churning nadir, so starring in a serious drama with the ever-intense Oldman was a little incongruous.

And it doesn’t get much more bizarre a collaboration than Tiptoes, a film which beggars belief to this day. Oldman and McConaughey play twin brothers, which is a bit of a stretch for starters (there’s an 11 year age gap), but not the oddest casting choice in the world. No, things get weird when you discover that Oldman plays a dwarf, an effect he achieves by basically kneeling on his shoes. It’ll shock no one to learn that the film was a disaster, with both leading men looking embarrassed to be there, though Oldman makes a better fist of the tasteless role than you might imagine.

To make matters worse, Peter Dinklage - an actual actor of restricted height - plays a comedy French bloke in the film’s far more enjoyable subplot. This could have been a McConaughey/Dinklage collab for the ages; instead, we got Gary Oldman ducking for 90 minutes.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)