10 Unlikely Movie Team-Ups You Completely Forgot Happened

2. Bad Company - Chris Rock/Anthony Hopkins

bad company
Buena Vista Pictures

When it comes to acting, Anthony Hopkins can do most things. The Welsh thespian has convinced as humble butlers and powerful kings, gentle souls and murderous cannibals. What he can’t do, however, is mild mid ‘00s action comedy.

Bad Company is an especially forgettable film, retreading much of the same ground as any buddy cop movie of the previous 20 years or so. Rock and Hopkins play spies rather than police officers, but the beats are basically identical. Hopkins wants to do things by the book, Rock thinks otherwise, sparks fly.

There was little if any need to cast an actor of Hopkins’ calibre in the stuffy senior role; he’s not a great fit, and his partnership with Rock lacks any kind of chemistry. For the comedian’s part, he’s game as ever, but this kind of milquetoast romp is just not in his acerbic wheelhouse.

This minor film was a minor bomb. It would be a while before Hopkins would try anything approaching comedy again, and Hollywood’s efforts to make Chris Rock a star have been thwarted time and again. This, though, clearly wasn’t the answer.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)