10 Unlikely Movie Team-Ups You Completely Forgot Happened

1. The Freshman - Marlon Brando/Matthew Broderick

bad company
TriStar Pictures

He’s one of the greatest actors ever to grace the big screen, but Marlon Brando proves himself to be remarkably unprecious about his image in this feature length send up of his most famous role of Vito Corleone in this rather unlikely tale of a film student who gets involved in a mafioso-run restaurant which serves exotic animals.

Matthew Broderick, at the height of his powers, was convinced to sign up to the oddball film purely for the opportunity to work with the legendary method actor, and to give Brando his due, he puts in more of a shift than you might expect. Explicitly impersonating himself 18 years earlier (which they explain away by claiming The Godfather based the character on Carmine Sabatini, Brando’s character here, which is less confusing than it sounds), he’s in on the joke, and he throws himself into the somewhat flimsy script.

The film’s one joke is that Brando is doing that funny voice we all enjoy, but as a cinematic oddity it’s decent harmless fun. There would be much worse to come in the final 10 years of his career.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)