10 Unmade Guillermo Del Toro Projects That Look Awesome

4. Slaughterhouse-Five

Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five is a classic for a reason. The novel blends autobiography, historical and science fiction in the story of Billy Pilgrim, who becomes "unstuck in time". Throughout the narrative he slips back to the World War II Dresden bombings he was party to, then to his recovery post-war, and then to an alien planet where he was kept in a zoo and "mated". It's a powerful, odd, funny and dark story, and it's already been adapted to film perfectly well in the seventies. But when Guillermo del Toro approaches a project, you know he has something new to say. And when he's got Charlie Kaufman (of Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind fame) on board as a screenwriter, you know you want to hear it. Along with del Toro being able to sensitively handle the war-torn drama, his take on the five-dimensional Tralfamadorians that abduct Billy would not doubt be more impressive than the seventies version. Kaufman's perfect for the script, too, with his experience of fractured, traumatic plots making him an oh-so obvious choice. Unfortunately there's been no word on Slaughterhouse-Five since 2011.

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