10 Unnecessary Star Wars Details You Need To Know

1. Temuera Morrison Improvised The Book Of Boba Fett's "Like A Bantha" Line

Boba Fett

You never quite know which line is going to instantly connect with an audience and become the one that you find yourself repeating before many a selfie or signing onto a piece of merchandise until your final days.

In the case of Temuera Morrison, it seems as though he ultimately stumbled upon his go-to signing phrase for the next few years or so in what he confessed to be a piece of pure improvisation. Fancy that.

As the Boba Fett actor would admit during his recent appearance at Star Wars Celebration, his now-widely adored utterance of "Like a Bantha!" whilst trying to teach some Tusken Raiders how to ride a speeder wasn't actually a part of the script:

"I think I made all that up on the day, too. That wasn't even in the script. I just thought, 'Hey, you fellas ride the motorbike, OK? Like a Bantha!' And I was only joking. Next minute, it's been the most popular phrase that I've had to sign."

Scripted or not, the line soon became a piece of Star Wars legend and will no doubt be met by cheers aplenty for years to come whenever Morrison decides to give the people precisely what they want... that being "a Bantha!"

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