10 Unnecessary Star Wars Details You Need To Know

9. Yoda's Ever-Changing Toes

Boba Fett

Adding to the mystery surrounding arguably the strongest Jedi to have ever existed within the galaxy far, far away, along with not knowing what in the hell Master Yoda actually is in the first place, it turns out that next to nobody is even sure how many toes the little green legend possesses either.

Jumping back to his initial appearances within the Original Trilogy, the puppet used for Frank Oz's iconic Force-user came equipped with four toes on each alien foot. Then, when it came time to hop back in time a touch for The Phantom Menace some years later, the puppet used in Episode I had Yoda suddenly boasting three toes.

Now some have taken this as a sign that Yoda's species may actually eventually grow a fourth toe later in life, which is a sound enough theory.

But said three-toe design again being used in the Clone Wars animated flick and during Revenge of the Sith's promotional images, before being dropped once more for the actual finished Episode III feature, only further muddied the waters.

And Hasbro's unleashing of action figure designs containing a three, four, and even five-toed Yoda over the years has resulted in many spending way too much time staring at this little space wizard's feet, it must be said.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...