10 Unreleased Cuts Of Movies That Are Probably Terrible

8. Batman Forever: The 170-Minute Schumacher Cut

Suicide Squad
Warner Bros.

Batman Forever may be basically nobody's favourite Batman movie, but it certainly has its defenders, who praise both Val Kilmer's more stoic performance as Bruce Wayne/Batman, the late Joel Schumacher's vibrant direction, and the wildly over-the-top production design.

Schumacher has stated numerous times over the years that his original vision for the film was considerably darker and more psychological, yet Warner Bros. ultimately insisted upon a chopped-down final cut that emphasised its candy-coloured aesthetic and more heightened, campy elements.

Since Schumacher's passing in June 2020, there's been renewed interest in seeing the Schumacher Cut - which runs in at 170 minutes, almost a full hour longer than the theatrical version - finally released.

Much of the edgier, cut material was at least released as deleted scenes on home video, though fans would love to see it all officially reintegrated into the movie in its fully remastered glory.

And yet, while the Schumacher Cut is a sure curiosity, it also sounds like it'd ultimately be a tonally unwieldly nightmare that just doesn't know when to quit.

Some of the deleted scenes are intriguing in a vacuum - such as Bruce encountering a giant animatronic bat in the Batcave - yet would likely throw the movie's vibe and pace off were they included in the final film.

If Batman Forever is already a pretty exhausting - if enjoyable - movie at 122 minutes, at 170 one suspects it'd be a sheer endurance trial.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.