10 Unreleased Horror Movie Endings Fans Are Demanding To See

7. Muffy Dies For Real - April Fool's Day

Deep Blue Sea Susan McCallister Saffron Burrows
Paramount Pictures

April Fool's Day's infamous ending is nothing if not polarising, when it's revealed that none of the characters actually died and the whole thing was instead an elaborate prank staged by protagonist Muffy (Deborah Foreman), who intends to turn her mansion into a horror-themed weekend resort.

But director Fred Walton's original ending actually pinged back around to genuine horror, with Muffy being targeted by a killer for real - her cousin Skip (Griffin O'Neal), who wants to steal her inheritance for himself.

Skip is ultimately killed before he can succeed, but Paramount executives nevertheless felt that the ending was too bleak, and that stopping at the initial prank reveal made for a lighter, more entertaining departure point.

All the same, that original ending is something of a white whale among genre fans, enough that when Scream Factory announced the film's Blu-ray release, they hoped to track the footage down to be included on the disc. But alas, it appears to be lost to time.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.