10 Unreleased Horror Movie Endings Fans Are Demanding To See

5. Newt Is The Predator Killer - The Predator

Deep Blue Sea Susan McCallister Saffron Burrows
Fox & Instagram: Yuri Everson

The alternate ending to Shane Black's The Predator would've been just about the only thing that let fans feel even a flicker of positive emotion about the whole thing.

The theatrical cut of course ends with the infamous "Predator Killer" sequence, in which the superweapon is revealed to be a comically over-the-top Iron Man-style armoured suit which the humans can use to fend off an impending Predator invasion.

But Black filmed two alternate endings, in which the Predator Killer was revealed to be both Ellen Ripley and Newt from the Alien franchise, setting up a sequel which would tie the Alien and Predator series together once again, while also retconning Ripley and Newt's deaths in Alien 3.

Stunt performer Breanna Watkins portrayed both Ripley and Newt on set, yet for reasons unknown both endings were tossed out in favour of the goofy CGI armour one.

Behind-the-scenes images of both alternate endings have since been released online, making it abundantly clear that the Newt ending should've been the way to go.

For one, Watkins looks great as an adult Newt, and secondly, bringing Ripley back without Sigourney Weaver's involvement is just a non-starter.

This isn't to say that there isn't a certain desperation to the movie dusting off Newt, and her presence would absolutely require some nimble explaining, but fans would still love to see it all the same.

Sadly, though, it hasn't surfaced on any of The Predator's home video releases to date.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.