10 Unused Marvel Studios Concepts Which Need To Be Used In Future

7. Kree Sentries Attack Earth

Nebula Infinity Gauntlet
Marvel Studios

Captain Marvel was a fun time, though perhaps not a movie which was as groundbreaking as it should have been. The villains were decent, and having Carol Danvers beat her former mentor - villainous Kree soldier Yon-Rogg - with a single blow was an unexpected, fun decision.

However, as this concept art reveals, Marvel Studios once planned to have Captain Marvel battle a number of Kree Sentries on Earth. In the comic books, they are the ultimate weapons of the Kree Army and are portrayed as gigantic super-powered androids designed only for destruction, so pitting this hero against a group of them would have shown fans just formidable she is.

It seems they didn't really fit the story, and a battle as public as this one - it's clear in the middle of city - would have alerted the world to the existence of superheroes decades before The Avengers assembled.

It's hard to imagine Carol has seen the last of the Kree, and with Captain Marvel 2 in the works, it would make sense to have these Sentries target her in that sequel. Rumour has it that Ms. Marvel will be part of the movie, so these robots would be a great excuse for a team-up!


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