10 Unused Marvel Studios Concepts Which Need To Be Used In Future

6. Ultron Unlimited

Nebula Infinity Gauntlet
Marvel Studios

Avengers: Age of Ultron came under fire from some fans for its snarky take on the titular android, but the villain was a worthy addition to the MCU, and someone many fans would love to see more of.

Assuming that does happen, it would be great to see this gigantic version of the villain - made up of literally thousands of drones - squaring off with Earth's Mightiest Heroes. As fun as it was to watch the team take on his expendable robotic army, seeing them battle this gigantic version of Ultron would have no doubt been even more exciting (and like watching the comic books come to life).

Dubbed "Mega Ultron" by concept artist Phil Saunders, it's hard to say for sure whether this would actually work in live-action, but it might have gone some way in helping Age of Ultron's final act feel like less of a retread by pitting another faceless army against the team of superheroes.

In the comics, Ultron is a resourceful baddie who has returned again and again, so regardless of whether that's on Earth or in space (see: Annihilation), this is an idea it's well worth using.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.