10 Unused Star Wars Movie Sequel Concepts Which Need To Be Used In Future

1. The Warhammer

Star Wars Duel Of The Fates concept art

The Star Wars prequels came under fire for bringing politics to a Galaxy Far, Far Away, but The Clone Wars made it clear that there was some interest to be found in that. It's not really surprising that Lucasfilm decided against making politics a big part of these sequels, but The Force Awakens was once set to devote more time to the divide between the New Republic and General Leia Organa.

One sticking point for both - which would have contributed to the rise of the Resistance - was the fact that Leia had pushed for them to create their own super weapon to use against The First Order: the Warhammer.

While it was set to be destroyed during the attack on Starkiller base, the good guys having a weapon like this would have been fun to see. It's believed that future Star Wars stories are going to explore this Galaxy's past, so perhaps the idea for the Death Star could have come from whatever the Jedi or Republic had dreamed up years earlier?

Whatever the case may be, this is an intriguing concept, and one with a tonne of potential...

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