10 Unused Star Wars Movie Sequel Concepts Which Need To Be Used In Future

2. Anakin Skywalker's Force Ghost

Star Wars Duel Of The Fates concept art

One of the biggest disappointments in the new series of Star Wars movies was the fact Hayden Christensen never reprised the role of Darth Vader. Fans heard the Sith Lord's voice in The Rise of Skywalker courtesy of both the prequel actor and James Earl Jones, but his Force Ghost was M.I.A.

Well, during the pre-production stages of The Force Awakens, the idea of Anakin returning to communicate with his son Luke was thrown around, and his appearance was set to be... horrific.

As you can see above, he was going to be portrayed as being part-man, part-machine, a sign that even in death, the light and dark within him were still battling for control. Clearly still conflicted, it would have been fascinating watching him interact with Luke and learning of Kylo Ren's fate, and the fact this didn't happen was quite honestly one of the worst decisions Lucasfilm ever made.

This sort of imagery can definitely come into play in any number of animated TV shows or movies that take place after Return of the Jedi, but seeing it in live-action would be a dream come true.


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