10 Unused Star Wars Movie Sequel Concepts Which Need To Be Used In Future

5. The Death Star Rises Again

Star Wars Duel Of The Fates concept art

A number of ideas were explored for the Death Star II's return in The Force Awakens, but J.J. Abrams ultimately decided to introduce the planet-killing Starkiller Base instead. One idea saw the crew of the Millennium Falcon heading underwater to explore the wreckage of the iconic weapon from Return of the Jedi, but this piece of concept art depicts the wreckage rising up from a desert planet.

It's a cool visual, but does it make sense? Well, not really.

Despite that, Abrams would explore the Death Star II's remains in The Rise of Skywalker, though it wasn't in one piece and had been scattered across the ocean. It was all a tad too convenient, and the fact Emperor Palpatine's throne room was still intact was, quite honestly, idiotic.

There's something to be said about this original idea, though, and whether it's the Death Star or even something like a Star Destroyer, the sight of a weapon as devastating as this one rising out of the sand would make for a breathtaking visual on screen.


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