10 Unused Star Wars Movie Sequel Concepts Which Need To Be Used In Future

4. The "Rogue One" Crew

Star Wars Duel Of The Fates concept art

Rogue One was plagued by problems behind the scenes, and while it's no secret that extensive reshoots ultimately took place, the movie looked vastly different during the pre-production stages.

Long before that memorable band of Rebels were created for the final film, artist Christian Alzmann toyed with the idea of utilising alien members, including Senna, a "Chewie type," and Lunka, "something that could skitter into an air duct, almost like a little thief," as he revealed back in 2016.

This piece of artwork really resonated with fans, and while the story behind the Death Star plans being stolen has now been told, these designs could definitely be used again. The animated TV shows - and The Mandalorian - have borrowed a lot of unused designs over the years, and it would be no bad thing for this eclectic group to come face to face with the Bad Batch or even Din Djarin.

If the response is particularly positive, then they could even get their own spinoff down the line.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.