10 Upcoming 2016 Movies You Should Really Give The Benefit Of The Doubt

1. It Has Everything It Needs To Break The Video Game Curse - Assassin's Creed

Release Date: December 21, 2016

Everybody knows that video game movies are inherently terrible, which means that everybody is just waiting for the reviews to come in declaring that, sadly, Assassin's Creed is more of the same disappointing sh*t: lacking a compelling story, with thinly-drawn characters and lots of awful CGI... you know how it goes. You've heard it all before.

That said, of pretty much all the video game adaptations ever conceived, this is the one picture that we should give the benefit of the doubt. Why, you ask? Why should you risk public ridicule getting behind a project with such a low success rate?

Two reasons: its director, Justin Kurzel, just helmed an awesome, gritty and brilliant version of Macbeth, starring Michael Fassbender. And Fassbender, by the way, is the second reason you should give this movie a chance. He's playing the lead role, and is one modern actor who tends to have a good eye for a quality script (which in this case, admittedly, has been penned by four different writers - never a great sign).

So whilst this shouldn't work based on all that has come before, there's a chance it could actually be quite amazing. The best video game movie adaptation ever, even? Please.

Like this article? Are you willing to give these movies the benefit of the doubt, or have you already decided that they're destined for a critical beating? Let us know in the comments.

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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.