10 Upcoming Comic Book Movies We Don't Really Need

10. The Amazing Spider-Man 3

The Amazing Spiderman 3 A controversial choice, no doubt, but when you think of the mistakes that this franchise has made so far - most of them occurring in the most frequent movie, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - it's hard to get excited for another installment. And if it's hard to get excited for such an endeavour, you have to ask yourself: what's the point? The last entry was messy, tone confused, overstuffed and underwritten, and felt even less like an accomplished effort than Sam Raimi's long derided - but nowhere near as bad - Spider-Man 3. And that movie marked the end of a trilogy that was doing just fine. So what gives? When you think about it, then, if Spider-Man 3 was so "bad" that it had the power to end a series (and an insanely profitable one at that - the film grossed $890 million on its own), why doesn't the same rule apply for The Amazing Spider-Man series, too? What should really happen, of course, is that Spider-Man should be sold back to Marvel Studios and we should await his appearance in a future installment of that franchise - put the character back where he belongs, instead of continuing on in a series that - let's face it - already feels dead in the water. Odds of that happening, though? Very slim.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.