There was a time not too long ago when comic book fans were grateful for just a paltry one or two big screen adaptations a year, even if they were terrible. However, the days of Daredevil, Fantastic Four, Elektra, Spider-Man 3, and X-Men Origins: Wolverine are long gone, and while there's still the odd stinker, superhero movies are getting better and better! The sheer quantity of them on the way between now and 2020 is staggering, with upwards of 40 on the way. Marvel, DC, and comic companies you've probably never even heard of are getting in on the action, and it's going to be the next five years which will really make or break the genre. Are moviegoers going to grow tired with capes and tights, or will comic book movies just further cement themselves as a stalwart of cinema moving forwards? A big factor in deciding their future (and something Kevin Feige has admitted to worrying about) will be just how many bad adaptations come out. Just like Spider-Man 3 and the two Amazing Spider-Man movies resulted in a huge drop in interest towards that character, The Avengers suffer if audiences have to struggle through many of the movies here. Some are simply unnecessary, while others are almost guaranteed to be completely terrible. Either way, there are definitely grounds to say that these are the kind of comic book movies no one is really desperate to see. While there's a chance they could surprise everyone, chances are that they're just going to remind older fans of the not so good old days...