10 Upcoming Comic Book Movies That Are Already Doomed To Fail

3. The Hulk (????)

There's actually very little set in stone at the minute for the Hulk's upcoming projects, but with Mark Ruffalo apparently signed up for six further appearances as the Hulk (albeit in other Marvel property films), chances are any further success in the role will lead to a stand-alone spin-off that attempts to right the wrongs of previous unsuccessful efforts. Money and critical acclaim talks after all, and Ruffalo's association with the role has so far been fruitful on both accounts. But the Marvel execs who inevitably green-light a future Hulk movie (even if its a post Avengers World War Hulk after the team are forced to fight the big green monster) would be wise to remember the state of the character prior to his relaunch in the Avengers film. Two separate directors, two completely different visions and two great big, muscle-bound failures. Unfortunately nobody really knows what to do with the Hulk - he is too difficult to direct as a leading man on his own, and Bruce Banner is simply not a charismatic enough human counter-part to offer the necessary balance. There is no doubt in my mind that Marvel will eventually make a stand-alone Hulk movie, and there is equally no doubt that it will be a mistake.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.