10 Upcoming Comic Book Movies That Are Already Doomed To Fail

5. Sin City: A Dame To Kill For (2013)

Sin City worked because of how unexpected and astonishingly different it was - watch it now and it has far less impact than it did at the time of its initial release: it's not the deepest of films and at times it's downright insistent of its cool (and that's not to mention the poor acting performances), so the idea of a sequel hardly inspires confidence. Especially after the release of The Spirit, there's also little to suggest that Frank Miller is actually a capable enough director to make anything other than a gimmick (which is pretty much all Sin City can be considered now) - his writing talent is undoubted, but he is an artist before he is a film-maker and the worrying lack of substance to match the visuals of both The Spirit and Sin City will probably return for the Sin City sequel. It will be a massive shame as well, considering how revered Miller is as a writer, but flair for one art doesn't necessarily immediately translate into prowess in another. Just ask Michael Jordan. Unfortunately, I predict a mess. A good looking one, but a mess all the same. And the idea of Clive Owen returning with that embarrassingly poor accent is just the icing on the cake for this one.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.