10 Upcoming Comic Book Movies That Have Nothing To Do With Marvel Or DC

2. Wytches

Image appears to have the magic touch. Or at least, the creators who choose to publish their work through the company (everyone who does so retains the rights to their creations, unlike at Marvel or DC) apparently have a knack for concepts that Hollywood can't help but snap up. Much like Descender, Scott Snyder and Jock's chilling horror series Wytches was optioned for a film adaptation before the first issue, by Brad Pitt's Plan B. It's a high concept story, so it makes sense. Inspired by his own childhood fears whilst exploring the creepy old woods behind his house, Wytches presupposes a much more ancient €“ and much more real €“ explanation for the folkloric witches: they were a distraction from an ancient evil which lie in wait, looking to claim humans as sacrifices. There's a lot of cool visuals to do with evil nature and the sinister elements lying underneath American suburbia (like Blue Velvet, but more mainstream horror). Jock has another of those unique visual styles, but often his impressionistic pencils and paint splatters hamper the story and atmosphere. On the big screen, those would be less of an issue. Imagine what, say, Guillermo del Toro could do with this material.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/