10 Upcoming DC Movies And The Comics They'll Adapt

3. Batgirl

Stephanie Brown Batgirl
DC Comics

Comics: New 52 Batgirl by Gail Simone, Ardian Syaf, Vicente Cifuentes, Daniel Sampere, Brenden Fletcher, Cameron Stewart, & Babs Tarr, DC Rebirth Batgirl by Hope Larson & Rafael Albuquerque*

There’s that funny asterisk again… Admittedly this writer’s Batgirl is severely lacking, hence the asterisk again. Using Aquaman and Shazam as a basis again, my money is on Warner Bros. and DC choosing to adapt something from part of the character’s history and here’s why.

While to casual audiences Barbara Gordon is the most recognizable Batgirl, she’s not the only woman to take up the mantle, in fact she wasn’t even wearing the cowl when Batgirl got her first solo series (this is where my limited Batgirl knowledge is actually useful). At the time the Batgirl solo series began, Barbara Gordon was Oracle. The genius, paralyzed, and tech savvy woman supporting the Bat Family and The Birds of Prey, Cassandra Cain was Batgirl when the series debuted, and even she was replaced as Batgirl it wasn’t by Barbara, it was Stephanie Brown.

So, in my best guess, using Aquaman and Shazam as evidence, Warner Bros. and DC will probably choose to adapt the New 52 run to some extent when making the Batgirl movie, as the purpose of the relaunch was to start fresh and attract new readers.

However, you can also see Warner Bros. and DC deciding to blend parts of both Cassandra Cain’s and Stephanie Brown’s characters and storylines with Barbara’s when translating her to the silver screen, due to Barbara’s most iconic stories coming from her time as Oracle and not Batgirl, not unlike how Ezra Miller’s Barry Allen acts more like the young and immature Bart Allen when he went by Impulse, instead of the seasoned and much more mature forensic scientist that Barry is.


Reader and collector of Comics. Watcher of NJPW and NXT. And the guy that knows Green Lantern will be bigger than Star Wars, Fight Me.