10 Upcoming Films That Are Terrible Ideas

6. Ghostbusters 3

ghostbusters_3_resize Co-star/co-writer Dan Ackroyd has been trying to get Ghostbusters 3 off the ground for decades, hell-bent on keeping the project alive even without Bill Murray, who€™s the sole reason most of us loved the original film in the first place. Ackroyd apparently learned nothing from Blues Brothers 2000 (a candidate for the most pointless sequel of all time). As recently announced, a third Ghostbusters film is now indeed in the works, but not as Ackroyd envisioned. This one will be a reboot with an all female Ghostbusters team, with Paul Feig directing and co-scripting. No Murray, no Ackroyd, no Bernie Hudson and obviously no Harold Ramis. Looks like a lot of others learned nothing from Blues Brothers 2000 either. This is a desperate and cynical attempt to resurrect a brand name that probably shouldn€™t have been a franchise to begin with. Comedy sequels (Ghostbusters II included) are nearly always inferior to the originals. As for belated sequels, even those with original cast members€name one that was actually worth waiting for. An all-female Ghostbusters is nothing but a parlor trick by its producers, who apparently think you won€™t notice they couldn€™t coax Bill Murray back. Sure, there are a plethora of great comedic female actors out there, such as Melissa McCarthy (who can successfully carry even the most contrived Hollywood product). But being cast in a classic franchise because of your sex is not only demeaning, it doesn€™t change the fact that, without Murray, no one cares about Ghostbusters. WHAT COULD SAVE THIS FILM: If Murray showed up for at-least an unbilled cameo, it might have a chance to lure the older crowd who grew up with the original.
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D.M. Anderson works and lives in Portland Oregon. He is the author of two young adult novels (Killer Cows & Shaken) and a collection of dark tales (With the Wicked). He has also published several short stories which have appeared (or will appear) in various anthologies and magazines such as 69 Flavors of Paranoia, Night Terrors, Trembles, Encounters, Implosion, Strange Fucking Stories, Perpetual Motion Machine. He documents his adventures in the dark on on his movie site, Free Kittens Movie Guide