10 Upcoming Films That Are Terrible Ideas

7. I Am Legend (Reboot)

Richard Matheson€™s classic novel has already been adapted for the screen three times. Though none of the films are without their flaws, none are totally terrible either. Each has qualities which not only distinguish them from each other, but make them worthwhile for any fan of post-apocalyptic stories. 2007€™s I Am Legend (boasted by Will Smith€™s star power at the time) was a blockbuster, so of course Warner Brothers wanted a sequel. Since Smith€™s character, Neville, died at the end, a prequel was suggested. Fortunately, someone wised up and scrapped such a terrible idea. However, someone else came up with an even worse one€ I Am Legend is now getting the dreaded reboot treatment. A spec script, originally titled A Garden at the End of the World, is being re-written as yet-another adaptation of Matheson€™s story with the hopes of finally turning the property into a franchise. Note to Hollywood: Not every hit movie needs to become a goddamn franchise, nor does every franchise need to be rebooted. And if you absolutely can€™t help yourself, would it kill you to at least wait a decade? Surely, you have a few original scripts lying around you could shoot in the meantime, don€™t you? WHAT COULD SAVE THIS FILM: Make a truly bleak and violent horror film that doesn€™t rely on star power, free of any overt heroism, sentimentality and CGI monsters. Make a lower-budgeted film in order to push the R rating to its limit and still turn a profit. It worked with the Evil Dead remake, which everyone once thought was an equally awful idea.
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D.M. Anderson works and lives in Portland Oregon. He is the author of two young adult novels (Killer Cows & Shaken) and a collection of dark tales (With the Wicked). He has also published several short stories which have appeared (or will appear) in various anthologies and magazines such as 69 Flavors of Paranoia, Night Terrors, Trembles, Encounters, Implosion, Strange Fucking Stories, Perpetual Motion Machine. He documents his adventures in the dark on on his movie site, Free Kittens Movie Guide