10 Upcoming Horror Movies That Might Save Franchises

1. Scary Movie 6

Final Destination Bloodlines
Instagram: Marlon Wayans

And finally, a comedy-horror entry now with the world's most successful parody franchise, Scary Movie.

Though the first three films are held in decent regard by fans, the fourth and especially fifth Scary Movies have largely been forgotten. 

Even though Scary Movie 5 still grossed almost $80 million worldwide despite near-universal critical scorn, it performed far, far worse commercially than any prior entry, seemingly bringing the franchise to a welcome close. But last April, it was announced that Miramax is developing Scary Movie 6, with original writer-stars Marlon and Shawn Wayans collaborating on the script.

While it'll require some serious finesse to resurrect the long-dormant franchise in an era where TikTok videos can deliver timely, bite-sized film parodies at a moment's notice, there's clearly a huge wealth of material to make fun of given the decade-plus since the last movie.

Plus, original star Regina Hall is keen to return, and if they can get Anna Faris onboard too, then this one will basically sell itself.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.