10 Upcoming Horror Movies That Might Save Franchises

4. Anaconda

Final Destination Bloodlines
Sony Pictures Releasing

There's a distinct "what the hell, sure" energy surrounding the new Anaconda movie, which is the first entry into the serpentine action-horror franchise since 2015's Lake Placid vs. Anaconda.

This new film aims to pivot the franchise into full-blown comedy-horror territory with Jack Black and Paul Rudd leading the cast, while Tom Gormican (The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent) serves as co-writer and director.

It's a reboot that feels very much like a "we have nothing to lose" gambit, considering that Anaconda as an IP has been in the toilet for the better part of two decades. After the original J-Lo-starring romp and its standalone successor both hit at the box office despite naff reviews, Anaconda 3: Offspring inexplicably premiered on the SyFy Channel - starring David Hasselhoff, no less.

This new Anaconda would have to be unthinkably awful to dent the brand's rep any further, then, and if it can deliver cartoonish gore in a darkly hilarious package - think Alexandre Aja's 2010 Piranha remake - it could very well bring the DOA creature feature franchise back to life.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.