10 Upcoming Horror Movies That Might Save Franchises

3. Lee Cronin's The Mummy

Final Destination Bloodlines
Warner Bros.

It still seems scarcely real that Universal tried to reboot The Mummy franchise with Tom Cruise as recently as 2017, yet that attempt to reimagine the classic horror franchise as a generic action tentpole property was a resounding flop with audiences.

Rumours then swirled that Brendan Fraser might be lured back for a fourth entry into his popular run of Mummy movies, though it seems that the ship has now sailed on that prospect. Instead, Universal is instead doing the smart thing and turning to a hot young filmmaker who might be able to breathe some much-needed life into the series with a fresh vision.

The filmmaker in question is Lee Cronin, who did a stellar job helming 2023's Evil Dead Rise. 

His clear eye for moody visuals and knack for horror that's both gnarly and darkly hilarious make him a fine choice for a new Mummy, while he's promised that his take will be quite unlike any we've seen before.

Accepting the likelihood that this will be a lower-budget affair in the vein of Leigh Whannell's recent The Invisible Man and Wolf Man, hopefully it'll also allow Cronin to go hog wild with an R rating, rather than be constrained to PG-13 horror as the four previous Mummy movies were.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.