10 Upcoming Movie Blockbusters That Could Be Disasters

2. Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Batman V Superman is one of the most talked about movies ever; but not in the way Warner Bros. would like. The reaction so far has been fairly lukewarm; people didn€™t go crazy for Man Of Steel (or Zach Snyder) and Dawn Of Justice€™s kitchen sink approach (the Batman/Superman fight, Wonder Woman, Doomsday, setting up the Justice League etc) already has people exhausted at the thought of sitting through it. The studio obviously has a lot riding on the movie's success, since it will set up their cinematic universe. To that end they€™ve apparently spent around $400 million on the production, making it one of the most expensive movies ever made; that€™s a scary figure, and if it underperforms than DC€™s plans could be in serious trouble. If it€™s a success the profit margin will be razor-thin, and negative word or mouth could seriously impact overall box office. While people seem genuinely excited for Suicide Squid €“ since it offers something different from the typical superhero fare - the buzz for Dawn Of Justice feels muted and cautious in comparison, and that€™s something DC can€™t afford; literally.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.