10 Upcoming Movie Blockbusters That Could Be Disasters

7. Central Intelligence

Dwayne €œThe Rock€ Johnson is a consistently annoying film star; he€™s got the talent and charisma to do great things but often chooses to star in the most obvious crap. Case in point is Central Intelligence, which €œhilariously€ teams him up with Kevin Hart, which is funny because Johnson is big and Hart is small. Judging by the marketing that€™s the main gag and it gets tired just sitting through the trailer. Hart€™s shrieking, bug-eyed comedy shtick has already grown stale and Central Intelligence will do nothing to modify this formula. While there€™s always room for a well-crafted buddy comedy, Central Intelligence is aimed squarely at the lowest common dominator and just barely scraping by on that level. Maybe audiences will embrace it because of the team-up alone, but if there's any excitement for the movie in the air it's being kept quiet.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.