10 Upcoming Movie Cameos You Don't Know About

6. Kyle Richards - Halloween Kills

Halloween Lindsey Wallace

The upcoming sequel to last year's new Halloween movie, Halloween Kills, sure is shaping up to be a nostalgic treat for fans.

In addition to all of the surviving principal cast members from last year's film returning, two young characters from Laurie Strode's (Jamie Lee Curtis) past will re-appear as adults.

You might be aware that Anthony Michael Hall has signed on to play Tommy Doyle, the young boy Laurie babysat in the original 1978 Halloween, and whose adult self was originally played by Paul Rudd in the sixth Halloween film.

But picking up less headlines was the news that Kyle Richards, who played Lindsey Wallace - that's the young girl babysat by Laurie's friend Annie (Nancy Kyes) in the original - will return, as played by Richards herself no less.

Given that Richards has had only sporadic acting credits since Halloween, and Halloween Kills will be her first movie role in 6 years, it's safe to say she won't be showing up for anything more than a fan service cameo.

But all the same, it'll be interesting to see how this aspect of Laurie's history will be slotted into the present storyline.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.