10 Upcoming Movie Remakes That Will Piss Everyone Off

7. A Nightmare On Elm Street

Home Sweet Home Alone
New Line Cinema

This is another series that sequels have repeatedly ruined, leaning in way too hard on laughs and the main character's personality. But Robert Englund has created such a huge icon in Freddie Krueger that it's impossible to imagine anyone else in the role.

The proof? They've already tried it. The 2010 reboot featured Freddy played by Jackie Earle Haley, most famous for his Oscar nominated role as Ronnie McGorvey in Little Children. For this reboot Freddy hunts down a gang of teens as with the previous films, but with the 80s camp horror replaced with early 2010's dreariness. The makeup /CGI combo on Haley's face didn't look particularly impressive and it bombed critically, with Englund pretty-much denying its existence.

This is the hurdle that future Freddies will have to contend with, in that Robert Englund is Freddy Kruger. But with future films in the pipeline as well as a possible series on HBO Go, it likely won't be long before he returns to haunt our nightmares again, further kicking a legacy into the dirt.

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A connoisseur of Star Wars, WWE, Sonic the Hedgehog, musical theatre and mature cave-aged cheddar cheese. Can't say that I have limited taste!