10 Upcoming Movie Remakes That Will Piss Everyone Off
8. Little Shop Of Horrors

This is another one that seems in limbo at this point but it's still on the schedule so it's fair game. It's also a personal peeve from your author since he loves this musical!
The 1986 Little Shop of Horrors is actually a remake of a 1960 black comedy film, except turned into a musical with some of the best puppetry that has ever been put to film thanks to the geniuses behind the Muppets. Add to that some of the catchiest tunes and a star-making performance by Rick Moranis and you have a cult classic right there.
The trouble with remaking it today is it's likely to rely far too heavily on computers to create the plant antagonist Audrey II. CG animation has come a long way in recent years but you'll always be aware that you're looking at pixels. Audrey II in the '86 film wasn't - it was as real a character as any human in the cast.
That and it's rumoured not to be a musical. You can have all the star power in the world with Chris Evans rumoured as the dentist, but the charm and creativity will likely leave something to be desired.