10 Upcoming Movie Sequels That Are A Really Bad Idea

9. Dirty Dancing 2

Toy Story 5
Vestron Pictures

Dirty Dancing is the definition of a movie that absolutely doesn't need to be a franchise, but when a film is that culturally impactful and grosses over $200 million on a $4.5 million budget, of course there are going to be attempts.

Yet 2004's prequel, Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights, which saw Patrick Swayze return in mere cameo form while co-star Jennifer Grey was nowhere to be seen, was a critical and commercial flop.

Evidently, audiences weren't interested in anything but seeing Johnny and Baby back together again, so the recent announcement of a direct sequel to the original, with Grey set to reprise her role, immediately invited a ton of skepticism.

Even with the reliable Jonathan Levine (50/50) set to direct, the void left by Patrick Swayze's unfortunate absence - having passed away almost 15 years ago - makes it tough to get even remotely enthusiastic about this.

Dirty Dancing was a one-and-done flash-in-the-pan success that remains beloved by millions to this very day, but of all the "IP" out there, it really, really doesn't need the legacy sequel treatment.

Don't be shocked if the sequel, which is currently set to start shooting in a few weeks, flops hard at the box office amid thunderous disinterest.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.