10 Upcoming Movie Sequels That Are Completely Unnecessary

7. Passion of the Christ: Resurrection

Indianan Jones 5
Icon Productions

If you were asked to name one character from a massive box office success story that you didn't think would go on to spawn sequels and headline a blockbuster franchise, then presumably and entirely understandably Jesus would be near the top of the list.

Any movie that earned $622m in theaters would seem primed for sequelization, but The Passion of the Christ doesn't exactly fit the typical template of Hollywood's desire to instantly monetize every hit movie. Mel Gibson might not be the popular and beloved A-lister that he once was, but Hacksaw Ridge proved he's still a hell of a director, and the last we heard The Resurrection of the Christ has a script ready to go.

Whether people actually need it is an entirely different question. As is the case with any project that has the potential to ruffle some feathers, the first installment created no shortage of controversy when it was first released in 2004, but after going on to become one of the most profitable movies ever made you can't say that there won't be an audience for it, no matter how unnecessary it seems.


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