10 Upcoming Movies That Are Doomed To Fail

5. The Lost City

Mads Mikkelson

2022 is very much shaping up to be an oddly unsuccessful one for two of the most well-known entities in the industry. The Lost City once again sees Sandra Bullock and Brad Pitt (this time joined by Channing Tatum) join forces for an action-packed adventure of a flick and once again it doesn't look like all too many people will give a damn.

That may seem like an unfair summary at a glance, but judging from the film's trailer alone, it looks like Paramount Pictures have literally copied and pasted a Dwayne Johnson jungle-infused money-maker onto their 2022 line-up and added in Tatum's usual brand of dopey, topless hunk comedy to get a few more drooling fans into theatres.

Do Bullock, Tatum, and Pitt look to be having a whale of a time running around a jungle in this tale of a novelist getting kidnapped and terribly saved by a model? You bet. But the sight of a moustache-twiddling Daniel Radcliffe chasing them down and each of the well-known faces spewing out cringe-inducing dialogue have made this an unexpectedly unanticipated March 2022 arrival.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...