10 Upcoming Movies That Have Ignored Major Mistakes

2. Trying To Succeed On Star Power Alone - Chaos Walking

Chaos Walking Set Tom Holland Daisy Ridley

The Mistake

As much as people talk about The New Mutants being a cursed movie, Chaos Walking's production has been pretty damn troubled itself.

The YA adaptation of Patrick Ness' 2008 novel The Knife of Never Letting Go started shooting in August 2017, and due to the busy schedules of stars Tom Holland and Daisy Ridley, reshoots (as a result of poor test screenings) couldn't take place until last spring.

And though the novel of course has a fanbase, it's clear that Chaos Walking has been greenlit largely on the basis that it's a fantasy movie co-starring Rey from Star Wars and Spider-Man.

Except, The Rise of Skywalker was a bust and possibly bad enough to swear Ridley off ever returning to the franchise, and amid the present worldwide situation, it's entirely possible a third Spider-Man movie doesn't start shooting for a good while yet.

Basically, it is a film that clearly banked on being impossible to fail because it starred two young rising stars known for appearing in some of the most iconic movies of all time, but that likely won't be enough to salvage a clearly doomed production.

The Lesson

Though its production actually went relatively smoothly, 2016's sci-fi romance Passengers similarly assumed itself too big to fail due to starring Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt, both of whose careers were absolutely scorching hot at the time.

But having two of the world's biggest movie stars shack up together ultimately didn't matter, as critics were left miffed and audiences largely failed to turn up in the expected blockbuster droves.

Movie stars can help sell an alluring package, for sure, but it's also massively important to bring a well-written script to the table.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.