10 Upcoming Movies That Have Ignored Major Mistakes

1. Confirming The Sequel Already - Halloween Kills

Halloween 2018 Ending

The Mistake

Sequels of course make the world go around, but it sure is nice when Hollywood at least tries to pretend that the next movie might just be the last one, at least for a while.

There's no such luck with the upcoming new Halloween movie, Halloween Kills, though, given that another sequel, Halloween Ends, has already been pencilled in for a 2021 release and is due to start shooting this summer.

As inevitable as sequels might be, especially in the horror genre, it sure does suck the wind out of the current movie's sails when we know it's just another commodity on the studio's crowded conveyor belt.

Why invest in Halloween Kills having any sense of finality to it when we already know that Michael Myers is returning for the next one? At least the franchise usually waits until the next movie is released before announcing the one after.

The Lesson

There are countless examples of movie franchises which put the cart before the horse by foolishly announcing the next sequel prematurely.

Ridley Scott was talking up yet another Alien movie before Alien: Covenant had even hit cinemas and consequently tanked, the last few Terminator movies were all planned as the start of prospective trilogies which never happened, and The Predator was also mounted as the beginning of a new franchise.

All of these plans went spectacularly, embarrassingly kaput, and while there's zero chance that a movie as low-budget as Halloween Kills is anything but a commercial success, it doesn't mean audiences will care about the movie enough to want another go-around merely a year later.


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.