10 Upcoming Movies That Might Already Be Doomed

2. Death On The Nile

Dune movie 2021
20th Century Studios

There's perhaps no upcoming big-budget movie more blatantly destined for commercial doom than Death on the Nile, the sequel to Kenneth Branagh's 2017 hit Agatha Christie adaptation Murder on the Orient Express.

On paper, Death on the Nile has everything it needs to succeed - a solid director, excellent ensemble cast, and beloved source material - but the project has also been torpedoed irrevocably by the presence of star Armie Hammer.

Though the film was originally pushed out of 2020 due to the longer-than-expected recovery period from the pandemic, once allegations of sexual abuse were levelled against Hammer, Disney decided to push the film all the way to February 11, 2022.

Clearly, the studio is hoping they can get crucial distance from the Hammer scandal, but given that the LAPD is currently investigating him and numerous people have levelled damning accusations, the outcome for the movie isn't looking good.

According to recent reports there aren't any plans to reshoot Hammer's role due to the fact that he's effectively the lead and interacts with almost every member of the cast.

As such, speculation is ramping up that Disney may ultimately just release the film on their streaming service Hulu and forego a theatrical bow altogether.

The knock-on effect of this, of course, is that it may result in a third Poirot film struggling to get off the ground.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.