10 Upcoming Movies That Nobody Asked For

4. Tomb Raider

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Warner Bros.

You can just imagine the pitch that led to a new Tomb Raider movie; 'the game series got rebooted and that turned out to make lots of money, why don't we do that?'. And then they did just that.

Rebooting Tomb Raider is hardly sacred ground; the Angelina Jolie vehicles from the turn of the 21st Century may have made money at the box office, but the critical reception was less than kind. Outside of the pitch-perfect casting of the title character, there isn't really a whole lot to recommend.

Recent Academy Award winner Alicia Vikander (and her incredibly long neck, if you are to believe the marketing team) steps into the role, and so far the footage has made the project look... bang average. Everything we've seen from posters to footage and TV spots suggests that everything about Roar Uthaug's Hollywood debut has been plucked straight from Blockbuster Filmmaking For Dummies.

Despite the presence of the supremely-talented Vikander in the lead and the always-entertaining Walton Goggins set to do some serious scenery-chewing as the main antagonist, absolutely nothing about Tomb Raider looks interesting in the slightest, with the whole thing looking like the same generic $100m actioner we've already seen ten times over.

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