10 Upcoming Movies That Nobody Asked For
2. Solo: A Star Wars Story
The biggest question surrounding Solo: A Star Wars Story, bigger even than the well-publicized behind-the-scenes issues, is a simple one. Why?
With a new Star Wars movie coming on an annual basis, there are virtually unlimited possibilities with which to tell stories. Rogue One took one line from A New Hope's opening crawl and crafted a boots-on-the-ground war story around it, one that paid homage to the mythology but crafted a story that runs parallel to the main saga. Solo, on the other hand, is a relatively straightforward prequel.
Han Solo has been one of the most iconic characters in popular culture for 40 years, and he arrived onscreen in Episode IV as a three-dimensional, fully-formed character. He was a rogue, he was charismatic, he was charming and he was cool as f**k. How often have you heard someone say 'yeah, Han is cool and all, but I wonder what he was like twenty years before A New Hope. What characters and experiences shaped him into the Harrison Ford-shaped man he became?'.
Even without the rumors of discontent surrounding Alden Ehrenreich's performance, the eleventh-hour addition of Ron Howard and the potential wild shifts in tone that it could cause the final product, is Kathleen Kennedy trying to tell us that out of all the possible Star Wars spin-offs that could have been made, a Han Solo origin story is the best they could come up with?