10 Upcoming Movies That Sound Cool (But Will Probably Suck)

8. Avengers: Age Of Ultron

Avengers: Age of Ultron The only problem with Marvel€™s current plan of Phases is that we have to sit through numerous movies before we get another glimpse of The Avengers. Iron Man 3 was great and the Thor/Captain America sequels promise to only improve on their predecessors, but anyone who says they€™re not primarily looking towards Avengers: Age Of Ultron is kidding themselves. Why it could be rubbish: The Avengers did the impossible and actually delivered on the mighty promise of four years and five films of build-up. It was funny, the action was fresh and they finally got the Hulk right. Likened to Star Wars, a sequel has to potential to push the whole Marvel Cinematic Universe to greatness. It€™s only natural to be wary that lightning won€™t strike twice. A key worry, of course, is the Thanos, or rather his absence. The assumed big bad of the whole franchise was teased at the end of Phase 1 and from what we€™ve gathered (he won€™t be in Guardian€™s Of The Galaxy and Ultron is clearly the villain of Avengers 2) he€™s not going to be a major presence in the near future. I can just about stomach spending excessive time with all these superheroes waiting for the team up, but when we€™re going to see an ever growing rogues gallery knowing the most interesting one is fully formed, but still to come (like another Marvel superhero entry on this list), there€™s potential to get bored. Whedon has never had to really prove himself a second time; all of his popular works rose to prominence once any hopes of a follow up were dead. I€™m less doubtful here than with others on this list, but I fear Avengers 2 will struggle to reach its high promises.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.