10 Upcoming Movies That Sound Cool (But Will Probably Suck)

7. Star Wars Episode VII: Something Of The Something

star_wars_episode_vii_by_chronoxiong-d5kyq3w-600x300 At first it seemed like an unbelievable lie, then the big news reported it and then it finally sunk in; there€™s going to be another Star Wars. And not some animated toy advert, but a proper serious entry in the story of that galaxy far far away. We know nothing about what its plot concerns beyond the original trio making an appearance, but if this isn't the most anticipated film currently in production I€™ll down a pint of undiluted jawa juice. Why it could be rubbish: The internet may have the prequels shelved with Mein Kampf and the Nikki and Paulo episode of Lost, but they€™re not the terrible, childhood ruining movies people so often claim them to be. And yes, I have seen RedLetterMedia€™s reviews of the prequels and find many of his arguments incredibly leading, so don€™t bother suggesting that in the comments. But for all their redeemable qualities, it€™s the popular and critical consensus they€™re pretty awful. What are the odds the internet's view will also colour what people think of Episode VII? It happened with the prequels €“ how many of you initially enjoyed the new trilogy before having them deconstructed and declared as rubbish €“ and will happen again. But could it be justified this time? Over half a year since the original announcement and we€™re still in the honeymoon period with the concept of a seventh Star Wars which has unfortunately hidden some of the more worrying elements of its production. The story comes from beacon of fan hate George Lucas, the production has less than two years to make the film (all the others had three) and there€™s rumours Vader, Palpatine and plenty of other dead characters could be making an appearance. Add to this J.J. Abrams possible leaving and suddenly the quality of Luke and the gang€™s return seems a lot less certain.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.