10 Upcoming Movies That Will Either Be AWESOME Or TERRIBLE

7. Flight Risk

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice

Flight Risk is a new Mel Gibson-directed action-thriller starring Mark Wahlberg as a bald-headed hitman who attempts to assassinate one of his plane's passengers, an FBI informant (Topher Grace), while an FBI agent (Michelle Dockery) also onboard tries to stop him.

It's certainly a neat concept for a tightly wound, possibly single-location thriller, and it's worth noting that Jared Rosenberg's screenplay was featured in 2020's prestigious Hollywood "Black List" of that year's best unproduced screenplays. Plus Gibson, for all his many personal flaws, is an extremely capable action director.

But the trailer also has an unmistakably junky vibe to it, especially with Wahlberg's hilariously unconvincing bald cap and the movie's gut-bustingly silly tagline - "Y'all need a pilot?"

There's therefore every possibility that Flight Risk is a tonal car crash from start to finish, or a failed throwback to '90s action thrillers that falls way short of the mark. 

That, or it's going to be one of the most giddily entertaining genre films of the entire year.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.