10 Upcoming Movies That Will Either Be AWESOME Or TERRIBLE

6. Karate Kid

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice

Next year's Karate Kid is clearly gearing up to basically be Avengers: Endgame for fans of the martial arts franchise, bringing the world of the original movies together with that of 2010's Jackie Chan-starring remake.

Uniting the original recipe and remake worlds under one roof certainly has potential, especially with director Jonathan Entwistle (I Am Not Okay with This) leading the charge, though it could equally end up a cloying car crash of unearned fan service.

One slightly concerning sliver of information is that the showrunners of Karate Kid spin-off series Cobra Kai have no involvement whatsoever with this film, and have stated in interviews that the new movie is more-or-less its own thing portioned away from their show.

As such, fans probably shouldn't expect Karate Kid 2025 to feel like a totally cohesive follow-up to Cobra Kai, and on top of this, there's the elephant in the room that Jaden Smith - who starred in the 2010 remake - apparently won't be returning for this new film.

The kid of the title will instead be newcomer Ben Wang - an on-the-rise actor who's certainly got some big shoes to fill. Here's to hoping this feels like a meaningful entry into the series and not merely a soulless attempt to wring the rejuvenated IP dry.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.