10 Upcoming Movies That Will Fail If They Don’t Do THIS

8. Don't Shy Away From The Horror - Blade

Black Adam
Marvel Studios

While fans may have found themselves a touch split when it comes to certain elements of Sam Raimi's recent Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness adventure, most will happily agree that the director's insistence on lacing some pretty horrific beats into said madness made for a rather refreshing slice of MCU action.

And with that largely positive response to the horror in mind, Marvel should feel as confident as ever about allowing one of their next big newcomers to fully stretch his vampire hunting muscles within a genuinely unsettling environment. Because if they don't, there's a solid chance this particular sword-wielding badass may wind up getting lost in the shuffle and largely rejected by those who revelled in Wesley Snipes' bloody showings covered in leather as Blade.

The fact Marvel Studios are also on the cusp of letting loose another set of seemingly terrifying properties in the classic horror film-inspired Werewolf by Night special and an entire Marvel Zombies animated series in the not too distant future is another positive sign that Kevin Feige is willing to head down scarier directions in the coming Phases.

So, fingers crossed Mahershala Ali's Eric Brooks benefits from this frightening experiment, too.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...