10 Upcoming Movies You Are NOT Ready For

A slasher cheerleader flick? Bring It On.

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Searchlight Pictures

For the most part, much of the attention and dollar sent the movie business' way in modern times will more often than not be directed at whatever formulaic superhero smash or slice of tried and tested franchise fodder is cooked up by a big-name studio next.

Simply put, the average moviegoer knows what they're going to get with said generally appealing offerings and will quite happily pay their hard-earned cash for a chunk of big-screen comfort food. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with yearning for a piece of unashamed popcorn cinema either!

However, when it comes to each of the following entries occupying a spot on this list, it's safe to say just about nobody alive is fully prepared for the incoming unfiltered biopics, genre-bending concepts, and drama-fuelled endeavours that are about to make their way into theatres the world over... for better or worse.

So, buckle up, because from Hollywood comebacks that involved the mother of all unexpected transformations, to more than a few deadly surprises no doubt on the big-screen horizon, there's a solid chance you're about to be left with your jaw dangling off the floor thanks to this collection of upcoming movie surprises.

10. Barbie

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Mattel Films

The concept of a Barbie movie has been an intriguing one since it was initially dreamed up back in September 2009.

However, the casting and eventual dropping out of Amy Schumer in the titular role due to creative differences in 2017, with the actor not being keen on the idea of an "ambitious inventor" Barbie merely being responsible for inventing a pair of high heels, led some to believe this vision of the plastic icon may not actually be all it was cracked up to be, after all.

Fast forward a few years and the addition of the likes of Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling in front of the camera, and Greta Gerwig and Noam Baumbauch behind it very quickly changed the mood surrounding what appeared to be an attempt to shamelessly make some millions off of the Barbie brand.

It'll likely still do precisely that. But the first Internet-melting shots of the leading lights in hilarious full Barbie and Ken get-ups, and comments from Robbie of "Whatever you’re thinking, we’re going to give you something totally different — the thing you didn’t know you wanted," seem to suggest that this Barbie World won't be one that anyone is expecting...


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...