10 Upcoming Movies You Won't Believe Actually Got Made
Someone paid for these movies.

Filmmaking is a tough racket at the best of times, and filmmakers will often toil for years trying to get their singular visions made, because if you're not clinging to familiar genre thrills or big-budget superhero mayhem, it's tough to make studios care.
And so it's always a cause for celebration - or at the very least, intrigue - when a left-field movie manages to secure funding, land a cast and actually go before cameras.
So many unique movies are announced yet end up going nowhere due to the ultimate realisation from potential financiers that there's no money to be made.
Both surprising and impressive it is, then, that these 10 films, each of them expectation-defying, astoundingly weird and boasting few commercial prospects, have been shot and are either deep into post-production or have recently premiered at film festivals.
No matter what happens, these films are all coming out in one form or another - almost certainly on VOD - and regardless of their eventual quality, they're a testament to what smart, creative and above all else persistent filmmakers can actually get made...
10. Little Monsters

The Pitch: A washed-up musician (Alexander England) volunteers to chaperone his nephew's kindergarten class on a trip to a petting zoo after becoming infatuated with their teacher, Miss Caroline (Lupita Nyong'o).
However, the presence of irritating, alcoholic TV personality Teddy McGiggle (Josh Gad) threatens to ruin the fun, not to mention a zombie outbreak which forces adults and kids alike to fight back against their undead attackers.
You had us at Lupita Nyong'o Kindergarten Teacher Zombie Killer, to be honest. The horror-comedy from Aussie filmmaker Abe Forsythe (Down Under) aptly premiered in the Midnight section of this year's Sundance Film Festival to rave reviews, where praise was lavished on the against-type performances of Nyong'o and Gad, and also the deft juggling of horror and comedy.
Quite how Nyong'o found herself in a low-budget Aussie rom-zom-com is anyone's guess, but between this and Us, she just might be carving out a fine niche for herself as a most unexpected scream queen.
Little Monsters doesn't yet have a release date, but has been acquired for distribution by Neon and Hulu.