10 Upcoming Sequels In Franchises You Thought Were Long Dead

1. Cars 3 (2016)

After the awfulness that was Cars 2, we all naturally assumed that Pixar would move onto bigger and better things, right? Their sudden love for making movie sequels had been taken too far, and the resulting flick turned out to be the worst Pixar effort to date (it also currently stands as the only "rotten" movie to have been made by Pixar on Rotten Tomatoes - awkward). And yet... Cars 3 is happening. It's actually on route. Why, you ask? Well, because Cars 2 made an absolute killing at the box office, and the associated merchandising pulled in an absolute killing for Disney. Pretty much, they'd be stupid not to make another one - at least, from a business perspective. So expect this movie to hit theatres, which will be set on California's Route 99, to hit theatres in 2016. We know: we thought Cars was done with, too. For shame! Like this article? Let us know in the comments section below.
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.